Last Wednesday, myself and my colleague Alan Bunce, emerged from hibernation like two bears who had just noticed the first green shoots of Spring, into our new ‘home’ at The Curious Lounge in Reading with Louize Clarke and her business partner, Matt Bovey.

So many questions crossed our minds but one overriding emotion emerged, which was the joy of being able to share our ideas, thoughts, and plans for the business. At long last, we could get our creative juices flowing and the office environment had been the catalyst for this emotion.

Today the Centre for Cities announced that only 17 per cent of staff have returned to the office, and we found ourselves wondering how this could continue into the future.

One of the basic pillars of business life is the ability to create and bounce ideas off your team and, assuming all rules about social distancing are respected, I cannot see how this can happen without a return to the office.

Now that would be a curious thing.

The above words, attracted more than 5,000 views on LinkedIn and appear to have struck a chord. Understanding the reasons why we go to work and the mechanics of how we work is complicated but an important discussion we need to now have.

UK Prop Fest Webinar

We now have almost 300 people signed up for our first free UK Prop Fest on September 15 & 16. Free to attend, the event now has more than 20 speakers and panellists talking about the key issues affecting The Arc and Thames Valley regions.

Working with our partners (Barton Willmore, Jansons Property, SEGRO and Stantec), we have curated an excellent agenda which is both engaging and educational.

Click here for more details:

Tickets can be booked directly here. 

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