Brent has received plans to demolish the Eurohotel on the corner of Elm Road close to Wembley Park Station.

The proposal is for the site’s redevelopment to provide a replacement hotel building, community floorspace, ancillary landscaping, cycle parking, servicing and access arrangements.

In detail, it is for the demolition of the existing hotel building and community centre and erection of part six, part eight and part ten storey 318 room aparthotel plus basement accommodation with associated ancillary facilities, community floorspace, servicing, landscaping and cycle and refuse storage.

The proposal architects are Studio Moren, and Iceni Projects are the agents.

The proposal is costed at £41m with a £66m GVA. It is expected to boost the Wembley economy in line with the London plan. The current Eurohotel is in poor condition and not fit for purpose.

Picture by Studio Moren

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