Ealing Council Planning Committee has approved a mixed-use 16-storey tower with 412 student rooms in West Ealing.

The proposal is to demolish existing buildings and erect a mixed-use development comprising purpose-built managed student accommodation and commercial space, with parking and servicing, landscaping, and associated works.  

The proposal received over one thousand objections and was approved by the councillors on a small majority.

The proposal from Tide Construction Ltd is to provide a new, high-quality, purpose-built student accommodation scheme on the site of the current Majestic Wines warehouse at 42 Hastings Road.

The plans include:

·A part-16, part-13 storey building.

·412 student bedrooms.

·35 per cent affordable student rooms.

·High-quality architecture in a highly sustainable location.

·Significant internal and external amenity spaces.

·A new commercial unit.

·Improvements to the public realm along Hastings Road and Drayton Green Road.

·Biodiversity net gain and an Urban Greening Factor of 0.4.


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