The Planning Inspectorate has refused the Duke of Northumberland’s appeal against the planning refusal of new homes on the allotments in Syon Park.

The Planning Inspectorate informed interested parties Tuesday 12 December that the appeal was rejected on the grounds that it would harm protected local open space and heritage assets.

The proposed development comprised the removal of the existing small garden shed structures associated with the current use of the site as allotments and erection of 80 homes.

The properties would consist of a mix of houses and flats, with car and cycle parking, landscaping and other associated works. The proposal would also re-provide 38 allotments (3,553 sq m when including associated paths and spaces) that would equate to 30 per cent of the existing 11,700 sq m of allotments on site.

Previous articles on the subject.

Syon Park allotments saved from Duke of Northumberland’s plans

Duke rebuffs Peasants Revolt


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